One concept, One goal but a multitude of ways! – P-spots in France

By BgBeActive

From Bretagne to the French Riviera, our partners spared no effort or ideas to make this European event a success and to contribute to the collective cause of placemaking for a better environment and physical activity promotion.

The educational and active game "Jeu Bouge +" and the Street Racket were the activities that were chosen by numerous partners with a goal of sustainability and due to their simplicity and their adaptability to the urban environment not always fitted out for the PA practice. Some organizations seized this opportunity to promote local and folkloric games and activities like the city of Aspremont which set up the "Pilou". Hardly known outside Nice and its hinterland, the “Pilou” is a shuttlecock made from a small coin, that the players pass by juggling with their feet with the goal to send it in the opponents’ circle, traced on the ground with a chalk.

Others have been innovative, such as MSS Moyenne Vallée in Villars sur Var, which has taken sustainable development thinking a step further and set up a game and a PA platform inspired by active design.

Most of the events proposed a multitude of physical and sports activities to reach a wider audience. The idea was to test the feasibility of each of the activities and come out with findings on the most suitable solutions for the future.

In general, the Park(ing) Day for Fitness has met with a great deal of enthusiasm from the sports community and, what is maybe even more important, from their respective audiences. This first edition was encouraging for those to come!

Park(ing) Day for Fitness builds on the existing practices and guidelines provided by Rebar, where BG Be Active and the project consortium are adding an element of a multi-sport day event to offer activities that promote active lifestyles and engage the public. For more information, please check our website -

Park(ing) Day for Fitness is funded by the European Union. The project coordinator is BG Be Active, and the other partner organizations are Placemaking Europe, Association Sport for all Suceava (AJSPT Suceava), V4 SPORT FOUNDATION, Azur Sport Sante, and XsentrikArts.

Posted on 09/10/2022 by BgBeActive