ROMANIA 16-22 September
ASSOCIATION SPORT FOR ALL SUCEAVA will coordinate the activities of PARK (ING) DAY FOR FITNESS Project in Romania between September 16-22. A number of local and national partners have expressed their agreement to participate in the events of the PDF project in various areas of Romania.
Among them we list:
These will be organized in order to activate the areas in the neighborhoods or the central area of the city with the help of volunteers and partner organizations.
It will take place between September 17-18 under the umbrella of the Citadel Marathon, an event organized in partnership with the Save the Children Suceava organization. The location chosen for the development is in the area of Suceava Fortress, a historical monument from the 15th century. XV.
Park(ing) Day for Fitness is a two-day event concept that draws on the global Park(ing) Day invented by Rebar Studio in San Francisco, now held worldwide every third Friday in September. Within Park(ing) day, parking spots are transformed into temporary public places, be it parks, social areas, exhibit areas, or anything the organizers want to promote.
Park(ing) Day for Fitness builds on the existing practices and guidelines provided by Rebar, adding an element of a multi-sport day event to offer activities that promote active lifestyles and engage the public.
Park(ing) Day for Fitness events will be held in the third week of September (16-22 September)