POLAND 16-22 September
PARK(ING) DAY FOR FITNESS in Poland is coordinated by the V4SPORT Foundation. The project is being implemented in partnership with the 3 organisations responsible for coordination of the European Mobility Week in Wroclaw.
These include: Yellow Umbrella Association (pol. Żółty Parasol), Friendship, Art and Education Foundation (pol. Fundacja Przyjaźń Sztuka Edukacja) and the Foundation for European Studies (pol. Fundacja na Rzecz Studiów Europejskich).
V4SPORT has salso partnered up with Decathlon Wroclaw on that occasion.
All of the main PDF activities will take place in Wroclaw between September 16th and the 22nd.
The two days Flagship event will take place on September 17th – 18th weekend from 12:00AM – 5:00PM.
On Saturday we will take over a large part the parking lot in front of the Decathlon “Bielany Wroclawskie” supermarket and we will invite the public to participate and try different sports and activities.
On Sunday we will meet at the parking lot near “Wzgórze Słowiańskie” where we will gather different trainers and active lifestyle promoters from Wroclaw and again we will promote active participation. The Sunday event will also include gamified elements.
Park(ing) Day for Fitness is a two-day event concept that draws on the global Park(ing) Day invented by Rebar Studio in San Francisco, now held worldwide every third Friday in September. Within Park(ing) day, parking spots are transformed into temporary public places, be it parks, social areas, exhibit areas, or anything the organizers want to promote.
Park(ing) Day for Fitness builds on the existing practices and guidelines provided by Rebar, adding an element of a multi-sport day event to offer activities that promote active lifestyles and engage the public.
Park(ing) Day for Fitness events will be held in the third week of September (16-22 September)