BULGARIA 16-22 September
BG Be Active will coordinate PARK(ING) DAY FOR FITNESS in Bulgaria and the activities will continue between 16-22 September. Many partners of BG Be Active expressed a desire to join the initiative by organizing events in their locations. The campaign is planned to unfold with larger-scale events in the cities of Plovdiv, Sofia, Burgas, and Varna, while P-spot interventions will be conducted in other cities as well.
Some of the partners include:
The first city to cover the PARK(ING) DAY FOR FITNESS is Plovdiv on the 16th of September 2022. Three parking spots in the central part of the city will be turned into all-day Park(ing) Day for Fitness installations each serving a unique purpose. A gamified flagship event will also take place in the evening: over 40 teams will go on a City Quest-Quiz, solving riddles and challenges around Plovdiv.
The main PARK(ING) DAY FOR FITNESS flagship event in Bulgaria is planned for September 22nd in Burgas. The event will be organized following the Open Streets Day concept: one of the major boulevards in the city (William Gladstone Street) will be closed for motor vehicles from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on the day, making space and creating opportunities for multiple sports and recreational activities.
Park(ing) Day for Fitness is a two-day event concept that draws on the global Park(ing) Day invented by Rebar Studio in San Francisco, now held worldwide every third Friday in September. Within Park(ing) day, parking spots are transformed into temporary public places, be it parks, social areas, exhibit areas, or anything the organizers want to promote.
Park(ing) Day for Fitness builds on the existing practices and guidelines provided by Rebar, adding an element of a multi-sport day event to offer activities that promote active lifestyles and engage the public.
Park(ing) Day for Fitness events will be held in the third week of September (16-22 September)